
Mount Point: /service/local/lucene/search


Search against all repositories using provided parameters. Note there are a few different types of searches you can perform. If you provide the 'q' query parameter, a keyword search will be performed. If you provide the 'g, a, v, p or c' query parameters, a maven coordinate search will be performed. If you provide the 'cn' query parameter, a classname search will be performed. If you provide the 'sha1' query parameter, a checksum search will be performed.


name description type default
q provide this param for a keyword search (g, a, v, p, c, cn, sha1 params will be ignored). query
g group id to perform a maven search against (can be combined with a, v, p & c params as well). query
a artifact id to perform a maven search against (can be combined with g, v, p & c params as well). query
v version to perform a maven search against (can be combined with g, a, p & c params as well). query
p packaging type to perform a maven search against (can be combined with g, a, v & c params as well). query
c classifier to perform a maven search against (can be combined with g, a, v & p params as well). query
cn provide this param for a classname search (g, a, v, p, c params will be ignored). query
sha1 provide this param for a checksum search (g, a, v, p, c, cn params will be ignored). query
from result index to start retrieving results from. query
count number of results to have returned to you. query
repositoryId The repositoryId to which repository search should be narrowed. Omit if search should be global. query

Response Body

element: searchNGResponse
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)